I Am

I wrote this poem in around the New Year, in 2011. I was at an AYCC event in Sydney, strategy or training or some such. As an exercise to acquaint us, each of us was given the same sentences to answer. I think I’m the only person who wrote a poem.

I am from the kitchen table,
from grape-draped trellis and musical strings.
I am from the earthy backyard,
I’ve walked on the roof and counted tree rings.
I am from the suburban oasis –
The plants, the ants, and miscellaneous things.

I am from young poets and dancers,
I’m from “God is love” and “go play outside”.
I’m from clutching at each of life’s chances,
I’m from seven siblings and minds open wide.

I am from Roald Dahl and Sophie,
from library walls to eastern night streets.
From bookworm recluse, stubborn, obtuse,
From soccer, chess, Herman Hesse,
I am from the Jesuits,
From their church halls and linguistic feats.

I am the soil and its sister sun
That wanted to be, to be one not someone
I am ever-changing yet never am gone
I am going, am changing, am gone
To future of freedom and plainly happy
When I am as human as I aspire to be –
I will fill the vessel in which my soul is but drops.
Because I am borne by poets and dancers,
And life needs my questions more than I need its answers.

2 Responses to “I Am”

  1. Very well-written! Err…is this a riddle though? 🙂

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