Tag Archives: friendship
Someone says "1+1" the other reflects "2". They love each other.

Reflective Listening: the path to understanding

Listening is a search to find the treasure of the true person, as revealed verbally and nonverbally. (John Powell) In my last post here, I wrote about roadblocks to communication. When listening, “advising” or “reassuring” can undermine good communication and disservice the listener. Having described what not to do, I’ll now draw again upon Bolton’s People […]

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a pizza oven with embers burning

“The 5 Love Languages”, Gary Chapman: Making Love Felt

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts is a book by Gary Chapman with an invaluable message: that humans communicate love using five distinct “languages”. We each have a different primary love language, and we feel most loved when love is expressed to us in that language. Conversely, relationships falter not necessarily […]

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